ROCPLY F17 Formply – 17mm Formwork Plywood Solution

ROCPLY F17 Formply is a premium formwork plywood designed for use in various concrete formwork applications. This high-grade, phenolic film-faced plywood features a stress grade of F17, making it ideal for creating smooth, clean surfaces in bridges, tunnels, commercial and residential buildings, and other concrete structures. With a thickness of 17mm, this Formply F17 boasts superior strength, stiffness, and water resistance, ensuring long-lasting performance and reliability.

Product Overview: The ROCPLY F17 Formply is a high-quality formwork plywood solution that combines exceptional strength, durability, and a smooth phenolic film face. The 17mm thickness ensures optimal support for concrete structures while the F17 stress grade provides the necessary stiffness for demanding applications. The reusable nature of the ROCPLY F17 Formply ensures cost savings and reduced environmental impact. 

Due to the unique advantages of ROCPLY, ROCPLY is very popular on construction sitess:

  • High-grade F17 stress rating for optimal strength and stiffness
  • Phenolic film coating for a smooth, durable surface and superior concrete finish
  • 17mm thickness for increased support in concrete formwork applications
  • Reusable design, allowing for cost savings and reduced environmental impact
  • Water-resistant, ensuring longevity and reliability in various conditions
  • Easy to cut, drill, and shape to fit specific project requirements
  • Compatible with a wide range of concrete formwork applications

ROCPLY F17 Formply is ideal for use in a variety of concrete formwork scenarios, such as the construction of bridges, tunnels, commercial and residential buildings, retaining walls, and more. It can be easily cut, drilled, and shaped to meet the requirements of any project, ensuring a smooth, clean finish for poured concrete. Additionally, its reusable design allows for multiple uses, making it a cost-effective and environmentally friendly choice for contractors and builders alike.

When using ROCPLY F17 Formply, it is essential to follow best practices for installation and usage to ensure optimal performance and longevity. To start, properly clean and prepare the formwork surface by removing any debris, dust, or oil that may compromise the concrete’s quality. Next, carefully align the plywood sheets, ensuring tight and level connections between them. Use appropriate fasteners and support systems to secure the formwork in place, taking care to distribute the load evenly. Finally, apply a release agent to the plywood surface to facilitate easy removal after the concrete has set.

Maintenance and Storage: Proper maintenance and storage of ROCPLY F17 Formply can significantly extend its lifespan and usability. To clean the panels, use a non-abrasive brush and water, avoiding harsh chemicals that may damage the phenolic film surface. Store the plywood sheets horizontally on level supports, ideally in a dry, well-ventilated area to prevent warping and moisture damage. Stacking the sheets with spacers between them allows for better air circulation and prevents surface damage.

Cost and Environmental Benefits: The reusable nature of ROCPLY Formply  F17 provides both economic and environmental advantages. Its ability to be used multiple times in various formwork applications reduces material costs, while also minimizing waste and the associated environmental impact. Furthermore, the phenolic film coating enhances the plywood’s durability, ensuring an extended lifespan and improved overall value.

Safety Considerations: When working with ROCPLY F17 Formply or any other formwork plywood, always follow safety guidelines and best practices. Wear appropriate personal protective equipment, including gloves, safety goggles, and hard hats, to minimize the risk of injury. Exercise caution when cutting, drilling, or shaping the plywood to avoid accidents, and always adhere to local regulations and guidelines for formwork installation.

ROCPLY F17 Formply is a premium choice for formwork plywood, offering exceptional strength, durability, and versatility. Its high-grade F17 stress rating, phenolic film coating, and 17mm thickness ensure optimal performance in a wide range of concrete formwork applications. With proper installation, maintenance, and storage, this reusable and environmentally friendly product provides a cost-effective solution for contractors and builders seeking a high-quality, reliable formwork material.

Post time: May-01-2023