What is the unique charm of plywood with unlimited design possibilities?

1. Materials of plywood

Plywood is a three-layer or multilayer board like material made of wood segments that are peeled into veneer or sliced into thin wood by wood planing, and then glued with adhesives. Usually, odd layers of veneer are used, and the fiber directions of adjacent layers of veneer are perpendicular to each other.

Plywood is one of the commonly used materials for furniture. A group of veneers are usually glued together perpendicular to each other according to the grain direction of adjacent layers. Usually, the surface and inner layers are symmetrically arranged on both sides of the central layer or the core. The slabs made of glued veneer in a crisscross manner in the direction of wood grain are pressed with or without heating. The number of layers is usually odd, and a few are even. There is little difference in physical and mechanical properties between vertical and horizontal directions. Common plywood types include plywood, plywood, etc. Plywood can improve the utilization rate of wood, which is a main way to save wood.

2. Properties of plywood

1) Advantages of plywood materials

a. It is not easy to produce wood chips when making plywood. It can make reasonable and effective use of log resources and greatly improve the utilization rate of natural wood.

b. Plywood has light unit weight and good bending resistance, which makes up for the defects of natural wood generation and has good decorative properties.

c. It can be used in planes, ships, trains, cars, home decoration, buildings, containers and other places where boards are needed.

2) Disadvantages of plywood

a. Insufficient smoothness

The surface of plywood is clean and smooth without density board and solid wood board, which is not suitable for one-sided parts, such as cabinet door and window sash.

b. Plywood has light unit weight and good bending resistance, which makes up for the defects of natural wood generation and has good decorative properties.

c. Except for poor plasticity of bending plywood

Plywood that has not been fully dried may have problems such as unqualified quality and production process, which will lead to serious deformation of the board when it is used, and it is difficult to adjust it by external forces.

d. Appearance defect

The adhesive is easy to appear glue marks on the board surface when it passes through the plywood. High moisture content of veneer, insufficient aging time, and large slab may all be factors affecting the appearance of plywood.

Post time: Nov-11-2022